On the LDNL KIBP project we are committed to provide and maintain a safe, secure, and healthy working environment for our workers, contractors, and visitors. By implementing effective traffic management on site and deploying competent personnel, we can ensure the continuous protection of residents and other members of the public.


Dedicated trained and competent Health and Safety professionals support the Project Management to achieve our goal of “Zero Harm”. Regular site inspections and audits are carried out to measure, record and improve our Health and Safety performance


Continual improvement is one of our goals on the Project, as guided by the implemented ISO45001 Health and Safety Management system, the HSE Policy, HSE Plan and the Uganda Occupational Safety and Health and Health Act 2006.


Compliance to Legal requirements and HSE Guidelines is constantly monitored and reviewed to contribute to the Safety of our employees and members of the public.


Monthly HSSE Committee meetings involving senior management and workers representatives create a platform for workers to freely bring any health and safety concerns to the table for discussion, thus creating a positive safety culture in the workplace.

Conducting frequent health awareness and training sessions with our workers and staff, helps to minimize health concerns in the workplace. Our resident nurse on site is always available for our employees to provide treatment and basic health care advice.




LDNL has developed a Stakeholder Engagement Plan, which has been supplemented with the addition of pre-construction engagement forums to proactively engage with park users and stakeholders.

The Stake Holder Engagement Plan describes the systematic, planned and implemented stakeholder consultation and engagement process for the project.

The key objectives of the plan are to:

● Identify stakeholders who may be affected by the project and understand their needs.
● Establish mechanisms for communicating, capturing, and reporting and resolving grievances.
● Sensitize the communities in the vicinity of the project to the project activities and impacts.
● Design and implement a monitoring mechanism to ensure resolutions are appropriate and effective.


The implemented Grievance Mechanism provides a platform, both internally for our employees, and externally for the outside community to table grievances and find mutually accepted solutions for social issues arising from the construction works.


Our full time sociologist team also take time to keep our workers informed of social and health issues, by conducting regular awareness programs such as “HIV/AIDS Awareness”, “Sexual Harassment”, “Child Labor”, and “General Code of Conduct”.